Invasive plant removal, Andover’s Retelle conservation area (Rescheduled)

Join MRWC as we assist the Town of Andover with bittersweet removal at the Albert Retelle Conservation Area. Bittersweet, an invasive plant, has taken hold of large patches of the reservation and outcompetes native plant species, including weighing down entire trees to the point of collapse.
Join us Saturday, March 11, from 10 am to noon at the Al Retelle and Deer Jump parking lot at the end of Brundrett Avenue (Rain/snow date Sunday, March 12, 10-noon)
A short training will be provided along with tools, gloves, and other supplies. Water provided. You will be walking through forest, mud, standing water, and potentially snow. Please wear appropriate footwear and attire for the weather that day.
Parking is limited, carpooling is highly recommended. Registration is required. Please follow this link:
Attendance capped at 30.