Our work
Our water quality monitoring volunteer Clarke had some chatty assistants at the Lawrence boathouse sampling location! It may have been due to the sound of the spray bottle, which sounds a little like quacking.
Once a threatened species, Canada geese are very common in New England. Some populations of these geese are descended from captive populations, and lost the natural inclination to migrate. Until the 1930s, waterfowl hunters often kept tame flocks of geese and ducks to act as live decoys. When that practice was outlawed in 1935, the geese ended up living as the wild birds we know today. (Sources: Mass.gov, Mass Audubon, Northern Woodlands)
Photo by Clarke Esler
#wildlife #Canadageese #lawrencema

Did you miss our seal walk with @seacoast_science_center? You`re in luck! We are doing another walk on Saturday, April 9th at noon. Registration will be posted on our website later this week. #wildlife #harborseals #greyseals #salisburyma #salisburybeach
Photos by Brian Yurasits

Join us for another seal walk with @seacoast_science_center on Sunday, March 6th at 8am. This is a FREE, in-person event. Register with the link in our bio. #wildlife #salisburybeachma #seals #marinemammal #marinemammalrescue
Photo by Brian Yurasits

Happy #shorebirdsaturday
Juvenille eagles captured by Marilyn Bernstein and Marc Fontaine. #wildlife #eagle #deerisland

At sundown this time of year, the skies along Lawrence`s riverfront are filled with a spectacular sight -- roughly 15,000 crows from all over the region noisily flock to trees and rooftops to sleep for the night. Craig Gibson has been documenting this "Crow Show" for years, and in conjunction with Merrimack River Watershed Council will present two free events to delve into the crows` mass roosting behavior.
On Tuesday, Jan. 11, Gibson will present an hour-long online slideshow presentation that covers why crows gather in such great numbers along the banks of the Merrimack, where they come from, and why it is unusual. On Tuesday, Jan. 18, Gibson will conduct an in-person tour at the crow roosting location at dusk, when thousands of crows arrive and roost for the night. Register through the link in bio. #wintercrowroost #lawrencema #crowshow #wildlife (Image credit @wintercrowroost)

Join us on a morning paddle to Plum Island! Don`t miss the opportunity to see seals and seabirds up close with the help of a local guide and naturalist. Sign up with the link in our bio. We hope to see you there! #merrimackriver #paddlingmerrimackriver #kayakingnewburyport #wildlife #falladventure (Photo courtesy of Plum Island Kayak)

This is the time of the year near the mouth of the Merrimack where Harbor Seal pups wean from there mom (4 weeks). Occasionally one of the pups gets tired, injured, or sick. This one made it to the sea safely! Remember federal law prohibits anyone from getting closer than 150 ft to a seal. If you come across a seal on the beach leave it alone. If you think it’s in trouble call the Marine Mammal Rescue Center in Rye, NH at 603-997-9448.
#merrimackriver #seal #harborseal #sealpup #wildlife #marinemammals #marinelife #baby #babyseal #beach #massachusetts #newhampshire #ocean

Humpback whales have been feeding on menhaden just outside the mouth of the Merrimack River on both the Salisbury and Plum Island side. Menhaden gather in huge schools that the whales find as easy targets!
#whales #whale #ocean #whalewatching #massachusetts #merrimackriver #nature #humpbackwhale #wildlife #sea #marinelife #whalesofinstagram #whalewatch #cetaceans #cetacean #animals #photography #oceanlife #marinemammals #humpbackwhales #whaletail #travel #whalelove #wildlifephotography #humpback #sonyphotography #sonya1 #merrimackriver

Congratulations to the winners of 2021 Merrimack Photo Contest. Thank you to all the participants.
Swipe to see the winners!
Winner of Category - Wildlife:
Photographer: Julia Ladner
"I took this photo last year when I discovered a local area where foxes were playing. I took this photo because I thought it was extremely adorable to see am adult fox raising their babies. Teaching them to hunt, play, and be safe in nature. It`s super important to keep a safe distance for yourself, and the animals. I use a 600mm Nikon lens and this photo is cropped."
Winner of Category - People in the River:
Photographer: Laura Kozlowski
"In front of Lowells Boathouse, I love how dramatic the skies were and how Rick just kept rowing despite the rain.”
Winner of Category - Merrimack Landscapes:
Photographer: Andrew March
“This photo was taken at the mouth of the Merrimack River, where it meets the Atlantic. The photo is of the Milky Way and meteors over the night sky in the pre-dawn hours of March 13, 2021."
Winner of Category - Pollution:
Photographer: Paul Buckley
"My wife and I had just been kayaking at Winning pond in Billerica. She had already pulled out when I noticed a gosling entangled in a mess on the fishing line. I was unable to assist in freeing it as the adult goose was very protective so I observed from a distance. By swimming back into the pond the bird was able to free itself.
Many times prior to this occurring I have picked up much trash and abandoned fishing tackle from the site. This could have turned out much worse than it did because someone neglected to clean up after themselves." #2021merrimackphotocontest #merrimackriver #photocontest #wildlife #peopleInTheRiver #merrimacklandscapes #pollution

This Snowy Owl was enjoying a quiet morning in the Watershed with snow gently falling around her!
📸 @graovac_photography
#your_best_birds #ig_captures_nature #splendid_animals #wildlifeseekers #massaudubon #merrimackriver #masswildlifecollective #bird #bird_freaks #nuts_about_birds #eye_spy_birds #only_birds #birdstagram #bestbirds #massachusetts #newengland #sonyphotography #beach #birds_captures @animalife_world #snowyowl #owl #owlsofinstagram #birdsofprey #wildlife #worldofbirds #planetbirds @igessexcountymass #sony #sonyphotography #beautiful #birdphotography #beachlife

This sleepy Snowy Owl rests peacefully along the Merrimack after a long night of hunting.
#merrimackriver #merrimackvalley #snowyowl #wildlife #nature #owl #owls #sleepy #arcticvisitor #peaceful #environment
📸 @graovac_photography

This juvenile bald eagle was enjoying some fall foliage this morning along the Merrimack River.
#massachusetts #birds #birdphotography #naturephotography #nature #wildlifephotography #watershed #birdwatching #birding #photography #birdlife #bestbirdshots #naturelovers #captures #sonyphotography #wildlife #baldeagle #eagle #your_best_birds #ig_captures_nature #wildlifeseekers #massaudubon #natgeoyourshot #masswildlifecollective #bird #bird_freaks #nuts_about_birds #eye_spy_birds #only_birds #merrimackriver

It’s that time of year when Piping Plovers hatch in the coastal area of our watershed. These endangered birds lay their eggs out in the open sand. Please keep pets away from nesting areas as they can easily destroy a nest or kill the fragile babies!
#pipingplover #nesting #shorebirds #merrimackriver #babies #plovers #cute #fuzzball #birds #wildlife

The gray seal is a common sight at the mouth of the Merrimack. They often lounge on Badgers Rocks just off of Salisbury. This fella followed Board President, Dan Graovac (@dandydannyg) in his kayak for about half a mile.
#seal #seals #nature #wildlife #sealsofinstagram #cute #wildlifephotography #animals #sealife #ocean #animal #sea #love #sealpup #naturephotography #harborseal #sealion #greyseal #sof #photography #bhfyp #plumisland #massachusetts #sonyalpha #wildlife #sonyphotography #merrimackriver #lovewhereyoulive #eyes

Watershed scenes: Roger the Donkey greets passersby at Newbury’s Spencer-Pierce-Little Farm, not far from the Merrimack. SPL, a @historicnewengland property, is a National Historic Landmark that features a 1690 manor house, Roger, Sukey the horse, a pig, chickens and several sheep and goats- including Halley the goat and her baby Comet (get it? Halley’s Comet!) who have their own video livestream on SPL’s webpage - check it out if you are looking for a very cute quarantine viewing option!
#donkey #donkeys #donkeysofinstagram #spencerpiercelittlefarm #merrimackriver #merrimackvalley #optoutside #newburyma #wildlife

February is, in this writer’s opinion, The Worst Month - and according to Google, I’m not alone (January and March appear to be the consensus runners-up). However, for those of us lucky enough to live near the Merrimack, February has one notable redeeming feature: bald eagles!
While bald eagles can be seen year round in the Merrimack Valley (there are four nesting pairs between Lawrence and Amesbury this year), they are more abundant in winter. This is because birds from more Northern latitudes come South at this time to hunt along the Merrimack.
Bald eagles in Massachusetts are a conservation success story in progress. For most of the 20th century, there were no nesting bald eagles in the state. In the 1980s, reintroduction efforts began at the Quabbin Reservoir, and the nesting population has increased steadily since. There were 76 nesting pairs of bald eagles in Massachusetts in 2018, up from 68 in 2017 and 59 in 2016.
The adult eagle in the first picture was seen in Merrimac, MA; the second (a younger bird - probably in its late teens in human terms) in Newburyport. Juvenile eagles do not have the bright white head yet, and are generally a bit scruffy looking.
#baldeagles #merrimackvalley #merrimackwatershed #merrimackriver #nbpt #newburyportma #newburyport #merrimacma #merrimac #baldeagle #only_raptors #raptors #birdsofprey #birdsofinstagram #birding #river #wildlife

It’s seal time at the mouth of the Merrimack! Although there are seals in the area year-round, they are often easier to find in winter. The rocks in the river off the campground at Salisbury Beach State Reservation are prime seal-sunning locations, as are the rocks on the Newburyport side of the river just downstream from the Coast Guard station (at low tide). There are also more seal species around in winter. Harbor seals and gray seals are year-round residents, but harp seals (like the one in the first pic) and hooded seals tend to be winter-only visitors, according to the @seacoast_science_center.
If you see seals, please make sure to stay at least 150 feet away so as not to disturb or stress them. Also, please consider giving our seals a helping hand by picking up some litter when you go to the beach! Litter can be - and often is - deadly to marine mammals.
Photos by MRWC Board President Dan Graovac, winter 2019. First picture is a harp seal, second is a gray seal.
#harpseal #seals #sealsofinstagram #merrimackvalley #merrimackriver #saveourseals #stopoceanplastic #planetnotplastic #wildlife

Congratulations to the #mrvvoyagers on completing their 117-mile voyage down the length of the Merrimack from Franklin, NH to Plum Island! This wonderful group of folks undertook the journey to raise awareness about the recreational, ecological and economic importance of the Merrimack to our #merrimackwatershed #merrimackvalley communities. They also made a number of stops along the way to discuss efforts to protect the Merrimack, and saw lots of wildlife, including this gorgeous eagle (photo creds @dandydannyg , President of MRWC). Great job, voyagers!
See more wonderful pictures of the trip at #mrvvoyagers
@christina4rep @lane_a_glenn @ddizoglio @dougansherwood @blackriversong @jameskelcourse @hmcmann @riverwalkbrewing @plumislandkayak @riveramakelawrencebetter #wildlife

MRWC learned about urban habitat restoration at the NH Water and Watershed Conference a couple of weeks ago! Here, Michele Tremblay of NH Rivers Council and Steve Landry of the NH DES Watershed Assistance Section give a presentation on restoring urban streams for brook trout! .
#newhampshire #rivers #trout #fish #wildlife #ecology #restoration #conservation #damremoval #conference #science

Snow falling on cedars - or at least pines - at MRWC`s Shawsheen River Bird Sanctuary in Andover on Friday 📸: Rusty Russell .
#andover #massachusetts #mrwc #conservation #wildlife #pines #trees #snow #newengland #snowday #birdsanctuary #explore

The connection between weather and climate change has never been clearer. And simultaneous extremes, such as hot and dry weather together...
NPR #climatechange #weather #science

What an amazing informational paddle in Haverhill yesterday! Perfect weather and calm waters. Thank you @plumislandkayak for the kayaks. Thank you to our speakers @kevinhsoleil @lane_a_glenn and Pressede Vella for giving great speeches on recreation, river policy, and water quality. Thank you for everyone who showed up to paddle and listen. @riversidecycle @mv_magazine #communityactioninc #haverhillcitycouncil @councillorlepage @hcmediahaverhill #uncommon catalyst # councilortimjordan #mvpc @pmaconsultants @stemhaverhill @haverhill_public_schools @northernessex @umasslowell #paddling #merrimackriver #recreation #science @mrwc_ #sociallydistantlearningactivities

Another great day of water testing! Less windy, but slightly chillier. Sign up to be part of this amazing program through the link on our bio! To learn more about the Merrimack River, join us for the film: The Merrimack: River at Risk on Thursday, September 24th at 7pm EST. Follow the link in our bio to news and events. #science #mrwc #conservation #watertesting #communityscience #citizenscience #

Another great day of water testing! Beautiful weather and a swift breeze. If you like to support this project, click the link in our bio. If you would like to learn how to collect water samples sign up to be a #citizenscientist #communityscientist #watertesting #science #waterquality #mrwc

Our water testing program kicked off yesterday after months of planning! This program is funded primarily through YOUR memberships and a small grant we applied for. If you are not yet a member and you’d like to support this project, join by going to Merrimack.org.
Special thanks to our interns and board members who were out there collecting the samples. If you’d like to get involved that way, then sign up to be a #citizenscientist on our website!
#conservation #watertesting #mrwc #science

Throwback to our awesome interns water testing this past summer. Our water testing program is coming back this spring! To get involved in #citizenscience, shoot an email to info@Merrimack.org #mrwc
photo credit: @john.macone #science

Are you interested in learning about the environmental and health impact of "next generation" pollutants in the Merrimack River?
Please join us for our 4th annual State of the Waters Conference, to be held Jan. 31 in Haverhill. This year`s conference will focus on PFAS chemicals, microplastics, and other "next gen" challenges that impact the health of the Merrimack.
Our speakers include a diverse panel of regional experts who will help us understand the varied and complex challenges. We`ll also discuss strategies that local communities can employ to help improve the Merrimack. The event is free to MRWC members. Please see our website (link in bio) for a list of speakers and to register. Hope to see you there!
#merrimackvalley @northernessex #haverhillma #merrimackriver #merrimackwatershed #pfas #microplastics #waterpollution #stateofthewaters #science

Join MRWC’s Outreach Specialist John Macone for a slideshow walk through the history of the Merrimack River - from its turbulent emergence from the Ice Ages, to its important role as a center for human transportation, commerce and industry, and finally to the decades-long (and continuing) efforts to clean it up. You are sure to learn something new and interesting about the Merrimack! This event is free. Hope to see you there. @lowelllibrary
#merrimackriver #lowell #lowellma #merrimackwatershed #localhistory #science

Last week representatives of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection met with Advocates and others in Lawrence to describe the schedule for permitting major water withdrawals from towns in the Merrimack Valley. Although the Merrimack watershed generally is not subject to major droughts, there are exceptions. We`ll be looking closely at where problems lie and working with towns and residents to address water overuse. Permitting of major withdrawals will happen over the next two years. It`s important to note that many major withdrawals are allowed essentially as of right. These withdrawals are not permitted but registered, and thus not subject to the most recent water permitting legislation. In the photo the presenter is DEP`s Duane LeVangie, the agency`s Water Management Program Chief. #science

MRWC learned about urban habitat restoration at the NH Water and Watershed Conference a couple of weeks ago! Here, Michele Tremblay of NH Rivers Council and Steve Landry of the NH DES Watershed Assistance Section give a presentation on restoring urban streams for brook trout! .
#newhampshire #rivers #trout #fish #wildlife #ecology #restoration #conservation #damremoval #conference #science

Happy World Ocean Day! This years theme is “Healthy Ocean, Healthy Planet"
Did you know that the Oceans absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by humans, buffering the impacts of global warming.
Photograph by Greg Anderson
#WorldOceanDay #Ocean #River #Science #Nature #nofilter #preserve #merrimackriver #like4like #nature #🌊

Sunset on the Merrimack can be a great and peaceful time to explore!
#merrimackriver #newburyport #explore #sunset #sun #cottoncandysky #pink #blue #nature #fishing #stripedbass #calm #peaceful #serenity #quiet #kayaking

Feast your eyes on Newfound Lake and its primary outflow, the Newfound River. This spot, nearly two hours away by car from the mouth of the Merrimack River in Newburyport, is a place people often come to to disconnect. On the other hand, the water flowing out of this amazingly beautiful lake is quite connected as it ends up joining the Pemigewasset River and then into the Merrimack on its journey to the Atlantic. We’re all feeling pretty disconnected right now, but you’re not alone so take care of yourselves, each other and the planet. ✌️ Cred: @jbrown37
#merrimackvalley #merrimackriver #mrwc #nature #conservation #newhampshire #newfoundlake #explore

Splitting the campus New England College and downtown Henniker, NH the Contoocook River is much more than just a fun name! This 71-mile long river is one of the few rivers in NH that flows predominantly north before it empties into the Merrimack River in Penacook, NH. This river is known for its white water rafting, fishing and its three covered bridges (one of which can be seen here). #merrimackriver #mrwc #nature #rivers #conservation #henniker #contoocookriver #explore

Thank goodness for the outdoors these days! Maudslay State Park is a great place for a social distancing walk and to admire the #merrimackriver! Just remember to stay 6 feet away from others to keep everyone safe and to help make sure we don’t lose access to our parks. Happily, everyone we encountered this morning at Maudslay was being very conscientious about that. Enjoy the outdoors, safely!
#optoutside #maudslaystatepark #socialdistancing #nbpt #newburyport #newburyportma #openspace #gratitude #nature #explore

Today’s beautiful photos come from the Lakes Region at Ahern State Park. This is the Winnisquam Lake, the fourth largest lake in NH! The Winnipesaukee River enters the Winnisquam on its Eastern corner and continues flowing south out of the Winnisquam eventually connecting with the Merrimack River.
Photo cred: @sarboehm
#MerrimackRiver #conservation #lakesregionnh #newhampshire #newhampshireoutdoors #newhampshire_igers #mrwc #winnisquam #explore

The Little River at Stevens Mill Dam in Haverhill, at the start of its final stretch on the way to the Merrimack. Shortly below the dam, the Little River enters the Little River Conduit, a 2,000 foot tunnel beneath downtown Haverhill, before emptying into the Merrimack behind the MVRTA station. You can see the tunnel opening in the second picture, taken from the Bradford Rail Trail. The tunnel - which is big enough to fit a large truck in some sections - was built by the Army Corps of Engineers in 1937 as a flood control measure after the great New England flood of 1936. It remains a key part of Haverhill’s flood control measures today, along with a pumping station and a 30-foot tall floodwall that extends along the Merrimack from the Comeau bridge to the Basiliere bridge. Both the floodwall and the pumping station are also visible in the second picture.
Farther upstream, the Little River’s journey is somewhat more typical. It begins in Kingston, NH and winds through Plaistow, NH before crossing the state line into Haverhill. The bluffs at the Clement Farm conservation area in Haverhill provide nice views of the river’s meanderings, and are home to impressive stands of pines and an ample bird population -- nuthatches, bluebirds, crows (probably some of the #lawrencecrowroost crew) and red-bellied woodpeckers were active today. Just keep an eye out for flying discs: during the summer months, Clement Farm is also a disc golf course! (yes, it’s a real thing…if you didn’t know that til now, you are not alone). #haverhillma #haverhillmass #optoutside #getoutside #floodcontrol #merrimackriver #merrimackwatershed #merrimackvalley #littlerivertunnel #littleriverconduit #clementfarm #discgolf #explore

Snow falling on cedars - or at least pines - at MRWC`s Shawsheen River Bird Sanctuary in Andover on Friday 📸: Rusty Russell .
#andover #massachusetts #mrwc #conservation #wildlife #pines #trees #snow #newengland #snowday #birdsanctuary #explore

Tree silhouettes at sunset are one of my favorite parts of winter! Check out that glow on the #MerrimackRiver at #MaudslayStatePark! 📸: Jeremy Poe .
#winter #snow #sunset #hike #parks #newburyport #massachusetts #newengland #explore #getoutside #river #trees #conservation

One for the New England to-do list: take a beautiful boardwalk stroll along the #MerrimackRiver in downtown #Newburyport !
#merrimackriverwatershedcouncil #mrwc #newengland #massachusetts #nbpt #river #winter #getoutside #explore #nature #water

Plastic in and around surface waters is a key contributor to pollution in our waters. Help us keep the Merrimack clean, and attend our trash cleanup at West Newbury Ferry Park on Saturday, April 16th. This event is part of our #EarthWeek series.
Use the link in our bio to sign up!
#merrimackriver #cleanwater #trashcleanup #volunteer #westnewburyma #shorelinecleanup

Our March Newsletter: 2021 Impact Report, Interactive Dashboard and Striped Skunks!
#impactreport #waterquality #cleanwater #events #volunteer #WQM #Dashboard #skunks

We are looking for dedicated water quality monitoring volunteers who can commit to 6 months of twice-monthly sampling. If you are interested, fill out the form linked in our bio, or email jose@merrimack.org
(Pictured: MRWC staff Jose Tapia demonstrates how to sample at a bridge site at Riverfront park in Lawrence). #volunteer #waterqualitymonitoring

Great participation on day one for our #merrimacktrashtag challenge! This group is called the Nashua Area Kayakers and, in conjunction with the Mine Falls Park Advisory Committee and AMC, they went out yesterday and collected all this trash safely within covid 19 precautions. It’s amazing what you can accomplish working together! The challenge runs until mid June so get out there and send us your photos by using our hashtag #merrimacktrashtag or by emailing your photos to info@merrimack.org and we’ll celebrate your success! #volunteer #cleanup #conservation #kayak #mrwc

We’re working hard to protect the Merrimack - please support our efforts on Giving Tuesday! Link in bio (www.merrimack.org). Thank you!

Happy Friday! It’s time for a shout-out to one of our fabulous sponsors – the Institution for Savings. @institutionforsavings is a Contributor-level sponsor of MRWC and a dedicated supporter of many other community organizations as well. IfS has an interesting and distinguished history – read more below. It also has an elegant 1870 Victorian main office building on State Street in Newburyport that is definitely worthy of a visit if you have not seen it – you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into another era! Thanks, Institution for Savings, for your commitment to the Merrimack and Merrimack watershed communities.
In 1820, 34 prominent citizens of the City of Newburyport sent a request to the Massachusetts General Court requesting to incorporate an institution "for the purpose of receiving money on deposit and investing the same to the best advantage of the owners thereof." On January 31, 1820, that charter was granted, creating the third savings bank in the Commonwealth. The Institution for Savings was born. Opening deposits totaling $465.10 were collected on the first day.
Today, the Institution for Savings is widely recognized as one of the oldest and most stable mutual banks in the country, with assets totaling approximately $3.5 Billion as of June 30, 2019. It is also the largest mutual savings bank in the greater Newburyport region and the third largest on the North Shore, with 15 full service offices in Amesbury, Newburyport, Salisbury, Rowley, Ipswich, Hamilton, Topsfield, Boxford, Middleton, Salem, Beverly, Gloucester and Rockport. The Bank also has five educational school banks located within Newburyport, Triton, Ipswich, Masconomet and Beverly High Schools.
#weloveoursponsors #communitybank #mutualbank #communitybanking #institutionforsavings #merrimackriver #merrimackwatershed #newburyport #nbpt #essexcountyma #newburportma #newburyportma #supportlocalbusiness #historicbank #volunteer

It`s hard not to feel discouraged by the environmental news (and news generally, for that matter) lately. If you`re in need of a pick-me-up, join us for one of our September cleanups -- listed below (more details on our website). It won`t stop the Amazon fires, un-melt the Arctic or send Hurricane Dorian out to sea, but it`s a small way to make a tangible, positive impact on our rivers, parks and communities, and to meet some like-minded folks. We hope to see you there!
Sunday, September 15, Haverhill: Buttonwoods Trail Cleanup, 10 AM to 12:30 PM. Meet at the Buttonwoods Museum parking lot.
Saturday, September 21, Lawrence: Spicket River Cleanup with Groundwork Lawrence. Registration 8 to 9 AM at Manchester St. Park (75 Manchester St.); cleanup 9 AM to @12 PM.
Sunday, September 22, Lawrence: Riverfront State Park Cleanup, 9 to 11 AM. Meet at Riverfront State Park parking lot.
#cleanup #community #volunteer #showupandserve #plogging #plog #plogger #merrimackriver #haverhillma #haverhillmass #buttonwoodsmuseum #buttonwoodstrail #riverfrontstatepark #spicketriver #lawrencema #lawrencemassachusetts #lawrencemass #spicketrivercleanup @groundworklawrence
Second quote is from Teddy Roosevelt’s autobiography; it is attributed to Squire Bill Widener. This version is very slightly modified from the version in the autobiography.

Thank you to our sponsor Fred C. Church Insurance for its support of the Merrimack!
Fred C. Church is an independent insurance agency that has served clients throughout New England since its founding in 1865. Fred C. Church has a long history of commitment to Merrimack watershed communities, both through serving numerous non-profit organizations as clients and by supporting organizations like MRWC.
Fred C. Church is showcased here with some classic scenes from Lowell, where its headquarters are located: the Mill No. 5 spiral staircase, LeLacheur Park, home of the @lowellspinners, and Aiken St. Bridge.
Thanks @fredcchurch team for your commitment to our river!
#weloveoursponsors #merrimackriver #merrimackvalley #merrimackwatershed #localbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #millno5 #lowell #lowellma #lowellspinners #lelacheurpark #lowellmassachusetts #aikenstreetbridge #volunteer

Please join us on Saturday, June 29, 9 to 11 AM for a cleanup of Methuen`s Riverside Park! Enjoy free coffee, good company and the satisfaction of helping to keep this wonderful park a great place to walk, run, picnic and enjoy the beauty of the Merrimack. Please wear closed-toed shoes and bring a pair of sturdy gloves. If we get a big enough group, we may also clean the trail from Riverside Park to Francis Morse Park. Rain or shine (although thunderstorms will cancel). Hope to see you there.
#methuen #methuenma #cleanup #plogging #trashtag #litterpicking #plogger #cleanuptheworld #cleanupouroceans #cleanupourrivers #volunteer #merrimackriver #merrimackvalley #publicspaces #publicparks #urbanrivers #optoutside

It was a busy weekend of plogging and trailwork for MRWC! On Saturday, we picked up litter at Mine Falls Park along the Nashua River. Although there was stuff to pick up, it was impressively clean — kudos to the City and people of Nashua for taking such good care of this gorgeous park. On Sunday, we did trailwork at our Shawsheen River Bird Sanctuary in Andover, and despite a rainy morning, got lots done and enjoyed spring colors along the Shawsheen. Clockwise from top left: part of the Mine Falls Park team; Mine Falls; Shawsheen team; the Shawsheen River. 2nd pic: MRWC board member Sarah Boehm at Mine Falls; 3rd pic: trailwork at the bird sanctuary; 4th pic: Mine Falls “Catch of the Day” - a wayward troll doll!
#plogging #trailwork #minefallspark #nashua #nashuanh #nashuariver #shawsheenriver #andover #andoverma #cleanrivers #litterpickers #ploggers #volunteersrock #volunteers #everydayisearthday #merrimackriver #merrimackvalley #merrimackwatershed #volunteer

MRWC celebrated Earth Day on Monday with a cleanup of Lawrence`s scenic and historic Pemberton Park! Thanks to @missiondispensaries and @enduranceintl for sending their employees to help, and to Mike Mitchell at @massdcr - Lawrence Heritage State Park for joining us and picking up all the bags of trash and recyclables we collected. It was a great team effort for this wonderful park in our hometown of Lawrence. Swipe for a before and after #trashtag pic showing some of the results of our efforts.
We are planning to do more cleanup events along the Merrimack and its tributaries this spring and summer. If you have a park or open space in a #merrimackwatershed community that is in need of some TLC, please let us know!
#merrimackriver #merrimackvalley #publicparks #pembertonpark #lawrenceheritagestatepark #lawrencema #lawrencemass #lawrencemassachusetts
#earthday2019 #greenspaces #urbanrivers #volunteer

This past Saturday, the 2019 Lowell Environmental Youth Conference brought together teens from the Merrimack watershed and beyond to discuss environmental issues, hear from a career panel, and meet other young people interested in the environment. This annual event is organized by students at Lowell High School, with support from @lowellparks.cons.trust. It’s great to see the next generation of watershed advocates taking shape. Congratulations to the organizers and attendees!
We love sharing the good stuff that young people in our massive and diverse watershed are up to. If you know of teens who are working to keep our watershed and its communities clean, green and thriving, or who have river-related art, photography, or science projects they would like to share, please get in touch via DM, we’d love to hear about it.
#lowellparksandconservationtrust #lowellma #lowellhighschool #lowellhigh #merrimackvalley #merrimackwatershed #merrimackriver #concordriver #hopeforthefuture #weloveouryoungpeople #volunteer

As part of our "Expanding Riparian Forest Buffers" project, MRWC and our partners at NRWA planted 16 "small" trees at Caraustar - Fitchburg Paperboard on Princeton Road in Fitchburg. These river birches, American hornbeams, pin oaks, hackberries, shadbushes, black gums, and hophornbeams will provide wildlife habitat and improve water quality along the adjacent Whitman River. Thanks @massdcr and Caraustar! 🌳🌲🌳
#fitchburg #massachusetts #trees #environment #outdoors #volunteer #conservation

Scenes from Tuesday`s planting in Fitchburg!
#massachusetts #plants #volunteer #getoutside #trees #environment #conservation #ecology #outdoors #volunteer

Tessé Tremblay and her son Mike, of Westford, plant a sapling during last week`s restoration planting along the Squannacook River. Tessé and dozens of other volunteers from Keller Williams Realty joined Alex Krofta of MRWC and Al Futterman of the Nashua River Watershed Association to help plant more than 300 native plants along the river. .
#river #conservation #restorationplanting #tree #spring #massachusetts #newhampshire #environment #outdoors #volunteer

Rocky Morrison of Clean River Project and Diane Lauber of Middlesex Community College scout prime sites for MRWC/MCC/American Rivers` Merrimack clean-up on 4/21, featuring Borrego Solar staff members! .
#merrimack #river #newengland #massachusetts #newhampshire #conservation #volunteer #getoutside #getinvolved

So many good #thursdaythoughts at today`s Making A Visible Difference in Communities meeting, a great program involving EPA and several local organizations. Lots of incredible community outreach, exciting progress in green job training, and fascinating science happening right on our river! Pictured: Executive Director Rusty Russell giving an overview of MRWC`s goals for protecting the Merrimack.
#lawrence #massachusetts #MerrimackRiver #conservation #volunteer #getinvolved #epa #water #publichealth #environment