Merrill Park Invasive Species Removal Workshop
The City of Concord’s Park and Recreation Department, Planning Division, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Conservation Commission and the Merrimack River Watershed Council have partnered to offer Concords first invasive plant education and removal workshop for our residents.
Over the past decade Concord, like many NH communities have experienced a tremendous growth in the number and amount of invasive plants growing around the community. This hands-on workshop will have participants actively learning about oriental bittersweet, the correct way to remove and control the plant.
Interested community members are requested to wear long pants, bring bug spray and bring gloves as this is a hands-on workshop. Recommended for participants 16 years old and over. Waiver forms will be required to be filled out the day of the event and parents/guardians will need to sign forms for children 17 and under. No registration needed!
Location: Merrill Park Pond (27 Eastman Street, Concord NH)
Event Schedule for August 3rd, rain date August 4th
Check in 4:00 – 4:15 pm
MRWC staff reviews how to identify and remove plants. 4:15 – 4:45
Volunteers practice what they learned 4:45 – 5:45 pm
Bring back group for debrief and review 5:45 – 6:00 pm
For more information, visit http://www.concordnh.gov/1897/Merrill-Park-Invasive-Plant-Workshop
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