Exploring the Merrimack’s Ancient Saltmarsh -Registration Full!
Over 4,000 years ago, the Merrimack River was much different than today. Sea levels were lower, and the saltmarsh extended further out into what is now the beachfront and ocean.
Today, we can see a remarkable glimpse of this ancient landscape at Salisbury Beach, where storms and erosion have exposed the ancient saltmarsh that once extended for miles along the coast. This ancient marsh is only visible at an extreme low tide, which we will have on April 12 at 9 a.m.
We’ll show you this ancient phenomenon, and along the way, we’ll also look at other evidence of the Merrimack’s ancient past, stretching back thousands of years.
This free event is part of MRWC’s 2024 “Walking the Merrimack” program, in which we lead guided hikes along the river to explore places that have unique and interesting stories to tell about the Mighty Merrimack. Keep an eye out for our other walks – we plan to have 15 this year!
Pre-registration is required. Please visit https://secure.lglforms.com/form_engine/s/gEM3PvzhEDzO0Z-21K-GCg
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